25 years in Halkidiki Real Estate 1999 – 2024!


Martina & Manfred van Melis - Nederland

In October 2023 we went to Halkidiki to look for a second home. We had already spoken to Leonidas by telephone prior to our visit and this showed us how cooperative and accommodating he is. During the week in Halkidiki we noticed that Leonidas had listened carefully to our wishes and we were able to visit many houses. Contact with Leonidas was very easy. The lines were very short via WhatsApp and Viber. A second visit to the house we have now purchased was also quickly arranged. He also arranged the transfer of the electric and water supply. Apart from the matters he arranges regarding being a real estate agent, he even accepted goods for us from a well-known furniture store while we were in the Netherlands. I can really recommend everyone to contact Halkidiki real estate if you are considering purchasing a house in Halkidiki! Leonidas really takes care of everything down to the last detail!!! On top of that, he is a really friendly man who can answer all questions. Thanks to him we really found our dream spot in Nea Skioni!

17/1/2024 11:53:59 πμ

Zoltan - Magyarorszag

We searched for a long time on the Kassandra peninsula and finally found the apartment that met our expectations in every respect. It was a long road, because we had different expectations, and we faced more difficulties, but in the end, our efforts were crowned with success. In this difficult process, Leonidas was the one who was able to give a well-founded answer to all of our questions, and he was present at every moment of the settlement and the signing of the contract. He knew the history and characteristics of each property and provided us with good advice. His support was reliable, friendly and supportive all the way, flexibly adapting to changing circumstances. Leonidas was able to arrange everything, he knows the regions and the local people. I can only suggest him. Thanks to him, and to his wife, Claire, that our daughter was at our disposal at any time.

30/5/2023 5:35:20 μμ

Doris Paparella - Deutschland

Since retiring, I have been looking for a small house in the south, which was associated with a lot of difficulties until a friend introduced me to Halkidiki Real Estate. After two years of searching, skepticism and a lack of trust in brokers in different countries, I knew immediately after the first telephone conversation with Leonidas that I was in good hands here. In 5 months I had not only bought a beautiful house, Leonidas and his wife helped me with all the bureaucratic matters. (Document translations, Greek tax number, bank account, lawyer, notary, electricity and water registration, etc., I also received a few sightseeing tours of the region in which I now feel really comfortable. Since my bank card didn't work immediately, Leonidas even paid my first electricity bills ! I can only warmly recommend Leonidas and his lovely wife Clair! In them I have not only found excellent, trustworthy, correct and honest agents, but also dear friends who I can always count on!

29/1/2023 11:03:40 πμ

Family Raemakers - The Netherlands

In November 2022 we will be cooking on the droom house. On the house in New Skioni there is a beautiful view over the sea. We got fantastic help from Leonidas. What a professional is hij. The rivets are known and are very beautiful. When the beginning of one of our lives begins, Leonidas is on his way. Hij luistert goed naar je wensen en stuurt je daar waar nodig is bij om uiteindelijk the droomhuis te vinden. Leonidas kent de streek zeer goed kan daardoor ook snel met instanties schakelen. Leonidas spreekt perfect Engels, de communicatie verliep altijd vlekkeloos. For each of the children there is a trustworthy fact: he is at 1 in Halkidiki and that is Halkidiki Real Estate. We would like to thank Leonidas enormously for everything he prayed for. Thank you very much!

4/1/2023 1:56:11 μμ

Maja - Switzerland

Questo estate abbiamo realizzato il nostro sogno di comprare la casa al mare e ci siamo riusci grazie a Leonidas. Dal primo contatto telefonico, ci siamo fidati di lui e ci ha guidato ed aiutato durante tutto percorso. Molto professionale, serio, cordiale, gentile, disponibile in qualsiasi momento e per qualsiasi cosa. dal apertura del conto in banca, ottenere tutti documenti necessari, avvocato, notaio, praticamente tutta la burocrazia. E stato ottimo traduttore e mediatore. La piu belle cosa e che siamo rimasti in contatto con lui e la sua famiglia e si e creato un bellissimo rapporto. Lo consigliamo vivamente a tutti che vorrebbero acquistare una dimora nella meravigliosa Kassandra.

2/9/2022 3:31:01 μμ

Giovanni, Patrizia e Greta - Italia

Terminata l'attivita lavorativa e con il pensionamento io e mia moglie abbiamo deciso di trasferirci in Grecia. Conoscevamo molto bene la penisola Calcidica avendo passato diverse vacanze estive in quell'area. Percio ci siamo subito focalizzati nella penisola di Kassandra e abbiamo selezionato varie soluzioni con diverse agenzie immobiliari. Abbiamo visionato in due settimane di ricerca tante proposte da diverse agenzie ma alla fine ci siamo affidati alla agenzia che ci ha dato maggiori garanzie sia in termini di disponibilita che di gentilezza. Leonidas, insieme a sua moglie Claire, non sono stati solo un supporto per la ricerca della casa, ma ci hanno aiutato nel disbrigo di tutte le pratiche burocratiche con la massima disponibilita, serieta, competenza ed affidabilita: dall apertura del conto in banca al rilascio del codice fiscale greco alla richiesta della residenza in Grecia... insomma non un mero rapporto di "affari" ma un vero e proprio rapporto "umano" che ci ha fatto sempre sentire in "buone mani". Infatti cosi e stato, abbiamo realizzato il nostro sogno di avere una casa al mare! Ma dobbiamo anche dire che la nostra esperienza ci ha portato a conoscere l'ospitalita, la cordialita, la gentilezza, la semplicita e spesso anche la pazienza di questa giovane coppia che ci auguriamo di poter frequentare anche in futuro!

11/1/2022 1:30:14 μμ

Manuel en Inge - Netherlands

Wij hebben ons droomhuis vorige week gekocht in Neaskioni. Dankzij Hellenic Living ; Leonidas heeft ons uitstekend geholpen met alle stappen die ondernomen moesten worden. Zoals het vinden van een advocaat, notaris , het aanvragen van een taxnummer en andere zaken. Persoonlijk en betrouwbaar contact heeft er voor gezorgd dat het voor ons prettig was een huis in het buitenland te kopen. Wij raden iedereen die in Chalkidiki een huis wil kopen Hellenic Living zeker aan. Leonidas super bedankt voor alles wat je voor ons gedaan hebt.

22/11/2021 2:45:46 μμ

Dragan - Serbia

Pre nego sto smo krenuli sa procesom kupovine apartmana u Grckoj, detaljno smo pregledali mnoge sajtove za nekretnine i shvatili da na mnogima od njih fotografije ne izrazavaju bas pravo stanje stvari. Onda smo pronasli sajt Leonidasove agencije za nekretnine HellenicLiving, gde smo stekli uverenje da fotografije mnogo vise odgovaraju onome sto se nudi, te smo zato i stupili u kontakt s Leonidasom. Leonidas je razumeo nase zelje kakav apartman hocemo, i kako odlicno poznaje trziste nekretnine na Kasandri, u vise navrata nas je vodio i pokazao nam desetak apartmana duz cele Kasandre. Jedan od apartmana koje nam je ponudio je prevazisao nasa ocekivanja, pa smo se za njega i odlucili. Nakon toga je Leonidas bio s nama kroz ceo administrativni proces kupovine apartmana, ukljucujuci i to da je isao s nama u Poligiros radi dobijanja AFM-ja. On i njegova supruga Claire su izuzetno prijateljski raspolozeni i dan-danas smo u odlicnim odnosima s njima. Bitno je i to sto Leonidas poznaje majstore na Kasandri, tako da nam je kasnije pomogao oko nalazenja majstora za adaptaciju apartmana. Ako planirate kupovinu nekretnine na Kasandri, svakako bismo vam preporucili da obavezno kontaktirate Leonidasa, jer su on i Claire tako srdacni i dobri ljudi da daju sve od sebe da pronadju nekretninu koju trazite.

28/8/2021 9:42:14 πμ

Janusz Szymanowski - Polska

Kupilem mieszkanie w Grecji w miejscowosci Nea Skioni dzieki duzej pomocy Pana Leonidasa. Pan Leonidas - swego czasu udalo mi sie uzyskac adres posrednika nieruchomosci w okregu Nea Skioni i dzieki temu poznalem Leonidasa, ktory od lat zajmuje sie sprzedaza i wynajmem nieruchomosci. Wymieniony prowadzi ta dzialalnosc w sposob wyjatkowo uczciwy. Kiedy zalatwialem formalnosci zwiazane ze sprawami notarialnymi i innymi urzedowymi wykazal sie duza znajomoscia przepisow i umiejetnoscia w zalatwieniu wszystkich trudnosci zwiazanych z kupnem nieruchomosci na terenie Grecji. Pan Leonidas jest posrednikiem uczciwym, doskonale zorientowanym w przepisach, w zwiazku z czym jest bardzo pomocny we wszelkiego rodzaju kontaktach w urzedach. Jego osobowosc ulatwia mu wszelkie potrzebne kontakty w takich sytuacjach. Zakupione przeze mnie mieszkanie jest w dalszym ciagu w naszym rodzinnym posiadaniu i sluzy nam od 12 lat. Niniejsze pisze w zwiazku z poczuciem wdziecznosci Panu Leonidasowi za oddana mi przysluge.

17/7/2021 5:35:40 μμ

John & Susanne - Finland

Rakkaudesta Kreikkaan. Olemme asuneet jo vuodesta 1993 Balkanilla ja viettaneet paljon lomia Kreikassa. Pikkuhiljaa alkoi mielessa kayda ajatus oman talon ostosta Kreikasta Halkidiki oli alue johon keskityimme. Tunnin ajomatkan paassa Thessalonikin lentokentalta. Kuin sattumalta loysimme Leonidaksen ja Hellenic Living kiinteistovalityksen. Kerrottuamme Leonidakselle mita haluamme kiinteistolta, han poimi monta upeea kohdetta joista monet tayttivat kriteerimme. Mutta yksi oli yli muiden. Talo Nea Skionissa Kassandrassa. Meidan oma mansikkapaikka. Ilman Leonidasta varmasti haaveilisimme vielakin. Han auttoi joka askeleessa talokauppoja tehdessa ja taalla Kreikassa apua todellakin tarvitaan. Leonidaksen avulla saimme kaikki paperityot hoidettua. Lakimiehet, notaarit jne. han jarjesti kaiken. Han on aina perilla uusista muutoksista lakipykalissa ja kiinteistomarkkinoilla ja on aina valmis auttamaan jos kysymyksia tulee. Kun tuli aika muuttaa uuteen taloon, tarvitsimme maalarin, putkimiehen, sahkomiehen ja Leonidas auttoi loytamaan parhaat ja luotettavimmat. Leonidas tuntee Halkidikin ja sen ihmiset ja Halkidikilaiset tuntevat Leonidaksen. Leonidas ei ole vain meidan kiinteistovalittaja, han on myos hyva ystava niinkuin on hanen brittilainen partnerinsa Claire ja heidan tyttarensa Isidora. Nostamme maljan Leonidakselle Kiitos! Ja tuleville onnellisille vuosille Kreikan auringon alla!

6/7/2021 2:46:24 μμ



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